I’m CJ, an Author, Poet, and Writer.
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something you will enjoy. I write flash fiction & short stories; memoirs; children’s short stories & poetry; articles on parenting, children & childhood; how-to posts for writers on public speaking, publishing, school visits, book tours & marketing tools.

I was awarded Top Writer in 2018 at Quora and I have 5 published books. Click the button. Help support my writing monthly, yearly, or make one money-saving pledge for a lifetime. But you can also subscribe for free.

“May you always see the world through the eyes of a child.” —CJ Heck

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If you love Flash Fiction, Short Stories, Poetry, Memoirs, Children’s Fiction, Poetry, and How-To’s for Writers, then you came to the right place!


2018 Quora Top Writer. Robert and I live in Florida. I have 3 daughters, 11 grandchildren, & I'm a Vietnam War widow. Author of 3 children's books; 1 book of short stories; & 1 adult poetry book.