How sweet 💝. I am off to Melbourne tomorrow to stay for a couple of nights with my sister … and enjoy her grandchildren; 5, 4, 2 and 3 months. I am taking a book down for each of them (got to keep them into the tangibility of books) and off to the zoo Thursday. The call me GAS (Great Aunt Simone). Love it 🥰

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That's great! I'm glad you're going. We need a change of scenery from time to time. It's a bonus that your sister and her grands will be there (wink). What books are you taking to them? GAS ... I love it, too.

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Hi C.J, I will DM you as we deviate from the thread😊

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That was a truly honest funny and learning experience for some kids i am sure . I loved it great writing again C.J. . hugs and peace to you

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Thank you, Mitch. I'm happy the poem touched you.

Hugs and peace to you, too.

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Very cute from a 3 year old! Loved it!

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Thank you, Connie. Many 3-year olds, though. All 3 of my daughters and 11 grandchildren! LOL all contributed at 3.

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