I was just telling someone yesterday that I grew up too fast. I was doing adult things and was making adult choices when I was 13 years old. I was umpiring little league games then and had my own team to coach at 16 and did that for 8 years. I was a McDonald’s manager at 17. I don’t know if that truly made me an adult then, but by the time I was in my 20s I was definitely there. I had a gob of experiences by then. I don’t know if I have a single event that put me there, but I think I definitely missed out on some time as a kid.

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You probably did miss out on a lot of things from childhood, but there are always tradeoffs. Your life was made richer in many ways by the decisions you made when you made them.

Every choice we make is the right choice for us at that moment. I would imagine you are a man who knows himself well and your choices have made you strong.

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Adult is a word that states you can buy booze to drown your sorrows if you do choose.

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I feel like I didn't have much of a childhood! My mom was sick most of my life. She was always in and out of the hospital. So, from an early age, I ran errands like grocery shopping, paying bills and doing some housework! (especially when I was a teenager and pre-teen. I just didn't have a normal childhood like my friends!

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I’m sorry, Connie, I missed this comment.

I think your childhood, even though it wasn’t like everyone else’s, probably made you a stronger woman. You became more able to make decisions and you know what you want from people and from life because you had to from a young age.

I’m sorry your mother had such a tumultuous time during your childhood, but it gives life to the theory that each of us is in the right place at the right time. We learn from our upbringing.

I think it has all made you want to be a writer and share.

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Thanks CJ. I do have a lot to say and write! But I'm having problems with this stupid Chromebook! So, if you see mistakes, that's why! Did you read the poem about Terry School? That's the school that I went to from Kindergarten to 6th Ave. And my dad was the janitor there! I loved that school and the teachers. The school was built in 1913 and closed in 1981! My son went there for only kindergarten before it was closed and torn down for retail, a pizza shop and other businesses but they were torn down and Walgreens replaced the businesses but Walgreens recently closed and now A Dollar Tree took it over!

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