I'm with you on this One Hundred Percent, C.J.! It takes a LOT of rain for me to finally tire of it--and I do mean a LOT! ;-)

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That's great, Carol. If anyone had asked me, I would have guessed you were a rain person, like me! That HAS to say something about the kind of people we are. 🤍🤍🤍

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I can't describe the happiness I feel when it rains. It's totally different from the happiness of a "sun shiny" day. sunshine lifts up, but rain goes deep---not to mention the added bonus of the smell of wet earth (Petrichor) and wet cement, too!

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Oh my yes, the scents of rain are a whole story alone. If it was a thunderstorm, you also had the ozone scent that hung in the air for hours. Our old wooden porch swing ... the wood had a woodsy smell from the humidity. I could close my eyes and enjoy the rain scents for hours.

This is fun! You "get it", Carol, and that makes it fun.

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We had a second level roofed-in side porch that had an old wicker loveseat with cotton cushions. When the cushions got damp from the rain's humidity, they also had their own wonderful scent. They always dried before they had a chance to smell "too" musty. It was "just right." We don't get much rain here in the Central Valley of CA but this winter was a delightful exception. I feel guilty enjoying it so much as it's probably a result of Global Warming. Yesterday we even had thunder (along with lightning, a real rarity). Then we had huge drops of rain while the sun peeked through the clouds--that was a double-triple treat.

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That sounds like someone 'up there' was looking down and answering a prayer for rain. Thunder and lightning, too, was a real treat! I'm glad you had that.

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I also remember doing my Gene Kelly impression while calling for my friend round the corner in the pouring rain https://youtu.be/swloMVFALXw?si=gV5FmfhfUUUcJGVA

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That would have been fun! That's a great movie scene, one I'll always love! Thanks, Lexie.

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I always thought that by touching the tent the water came through because we disturbed the protective coating, I guess we learn something everyday thank you CJ.

I camped once with school around 12 yrs old, it rained solid for the whole seven days, we dug moates around the tents and developed very white crinkly feet. The coach also broke down on the way for seven hours, it was one of the best holidays ever.

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Rain for the entire week? That didn't leave much time for 12 year-olds to do anything but hunker down and stay dry! LOL I'm glad you still enjoyed yourselves.

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I remember gathering in the main cooks tent as it was called then, drinking hot chocolate and telling ghost stories. I also had a crush on a teacher so I loved every minute lol.

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Those are the best kind of memories, Lexie. Thank you for sharing them! 🤍🤍

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I remember the late Spring and summer rains where my Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe lived. There was a very large weeping willow tree and a clothesline for wet laundry. Sunshades and the sunny aftermath of rainstorms were wonderful times. There would be frequent rainbows that, if there were a fine mist, would seem to stretch from heaven through the midst, enveloping us. And bug drops of diamond clustered rain would cling to the clothesline and the drooping wands of the weeping willow. It was truly a wonderful time and place to be a child.

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You have some wonderful memories, my friend, and you write about them like a poet. It truly was a wonderful time and place to be a child. Thank you for sharing your memories! 🤍🤍

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brilliant writing from a master of prose.

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Thank you! You've made my day so much brighter! 🤍🤍

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and your comments make mine brighter too.

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Please get a room you two.

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As Larry the Cableman would say,

"I don't care who ya are, that there's funny!"

Thanks for the smiles, Lexie!

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