I know exactly how you feel! I've been there! But in my case I wasn't scolded by my boss but rather a male co-worker! I was so angry that I actually smacked him! I think I kept hitting his arm! You see, I was still in pain from a recent kidney surgery and hernia surgery but I still had and still have the hernia! The doctor couldn't fix it! I really felt lousy that day, so I told my boss I wasn't feeling well and I left work! Soon after I talked to my doctor and she suggested I go on disability. So, I did! But it took 6 months for my checks to arrive! Then when I turned 65, I was put on Social Security.

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I'm sorry you had to experience that. (I'm sorry I did too), but it's in the past and we don't live there any more.

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May 10Liked by C.J. Heck

Together we learn, together we are better.

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May 10Liked by C.J. Heck

A nice read that captures a valuable insight through a well written story. A default attitude of civility and kindness is what society should basically aspire to. Unfortunately there are those ego driven people out there who make life miserable. This can be exacerbated when that individual is a manager or executive at work. The leverage and control they have make the option of healthy discourse almost impossible. I am glad you took the route of standing up for yourself, in your words be a

Bitch. Sometimes that is all people will respond to, alas they seldom take responsibility for their actions and will blame you.

Glad you are recovered and have found your passion in your writing!

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Everything you said here is right on, Byron. You obviously are more learned than I in these matters and I appreciate your valuable input. Thank you, too, for your kind words about my post.

Writing has been a soothing salve in my life and I've come to see it as healing. There's just something about seeing a problem on paper, or a computer screen that makes it more tangible than when it was in the mind. Writing makes it real and problems that are real call for answers.

I felt a certain amount of pride standing up for myself that morning and I remember seeing an unspoken group cheer on the faces of my friends in the office, as well.

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Had you gone straight to the ER (as you certainly should have) you might still be working there! Oh well, it was their loss. I'm sure your boss missed you. S/He lost the wrong employee that day.

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It probably wouldn't have mattered when I went to the E.R. since they couldn't do much other than the X-rays and whatever scan they did. It would have given the valid reason Dragon Lady needed for me being late. Then again, had she not been so obnoxious, she could have asked why I was ten minutes late when I got there. After explaining, it would have been nice to hear her tell me to go to the E.R.

It's neither here nor there in the grand scheme of things. I was glad to finally be out of there. She was not a nice lady.

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All's well that ends well~~Shakespeare, Dave's, and my favorite expression. ;-)

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