CJ, you are truly a Writer of the People. Practically everything I've read of yours has struck a chord or rang a bell of remembrance within me. This most recent poignant story of love and loss, unexpressed grief that never goes away until dealt with properly...all brought home yet another memory for me. Back in 1988, I was sitting in an empty Burger King near my Chicago Apt., having coffee and studying for a massage therapy anatomy exam when an elderly woman in outdated clothing walked right past me and said hello. So, of course, I said hello back. She stopped and we got to talking while she remained standing. I don't know if it was the way she dressed, but I had a feeling she was living in her own "other world" that was quite far away from the reality that surrounded her. She said she was widowed and the way she spoke of her husband and their relationship, I could see that they'd had a long, happy marriage, and it was still very much a part of her daily consciousness. Finally, I asked her when her husband died and she said--"1945, just 3 months before the damn war ended. He couldn't hold out for just 90 more days." Now I could see why she looked so tired and "shopworn"--she'd been carrying a very heavy load of grief for 43 years and thought of it as natural as carrying a sack of groceries 5 miles home from the store. ~~ I'm very happy that you were not so terminally afflicted as that poor woman and wish she could have gotten the clinical therapy and support that you were able to finally find for yourself after 20+ years. I think the insensitivity you found from so many people is due to the simple fact that the kind of love you and your husband shared (which I read about in a previous post) is quite rare, indeed, and went way beyond what most people are satisfied to think of as "love." They put themselves in your shoes but with their much smaller horizons and can't understand why someone would "carry a torch for so long when you are so pretty and so many fine young men would be...blah-blah-blah"

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Carol, as always, I thank you for your kind words. You touch me deeply and most humbly. I have been a loyal reader and fan of your writings for sometime now and I know I've told you before, I will read anything and everything you write, even a lowly grocery list. Your words are always truly mesmerizing and your messages are clear. Thank you once again.

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"A loyal reader"--and from a published author. There is no greater compliment and even my diminutive ego is basking in the strokes! Hugs, Love, and smooches! ~cc

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All true and my pleasure 🤍

Thank you! I will never turn down hugs, love, or smooches. 🤍

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