I'm such a proud bargain hunter that I'm sure I wouldn't hesitate to say, "I didn't pay a thing for it. We found it on the side of the road! Not bad, huh?" I recently did that when I was getting out of the car in the parking lot of a kind of swanky restaurant. We had just been shopping at Goodwill. A woman who was also getting out of her Lexus at the same time saw my blouse and said, "I LOVE that blouse!" And with no prompting whatsoever, I responded, "Thanks! I just got it at Goodwill on Senior Tuesday for a dollar fifty!" My friend was mortified--not only at giving away the price and the store, but also our age! Hahaha. I have no such hang-ups myself. I just can't keep my big mouth shut when I've gotten a great deal.

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Don't you ever change, Carol. The world is full of stuffed shirts and stiff upper lipped people. They're fine, too, but we need more like you. Tell 'em like it is. No one forgets that!

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Thanks, as ALWAYS, C.J.--and I agree, the world needs all different types--that's what makes it interesting. I'm sure some very wealthy "stuffed shirt" may have donated my gorgeous designer blouse and without her, I wouldn't have it hanging proudly in my 2nd-hand closet.

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