How could it be any other way? ;-) I once heard a speaker say, "Why do we say we were born 'into' the world? The truth is we are born 'out of' the world, like a seedling, we sprout from the Earth" (or the cosmos?) You are rare and fortunate to have had this experience of "Unity and Oneness" more than once. Most people who have it at all are lucky to have it once. Next time I wake up at 3 a.m., I'm going to try lying still and silent with a quiet mind and open heart--instead of running off to the bathroom!

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Namaste, Carol.

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Unity Consciousness

Again my opinion from observational experience, unity consciousness was the joining of all into one. The energy felt was so high that perhaps to sustain one could not accomplish this for more than a few seconds while in the body.

I found it to be so informative on life, that everything we perceive as true down to the most fine detail was untrue. I was not any label ever given. On finding this my laughter was the pure bliss of what we call God.

We all have our own perceptions of God, most probably again passed on conditioned thoughts of others but in reality the best way to describe this is the creator and master of all. The omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotence.The complete understanding of life and death.

We also realise at the point of unity that there are no limits to the evolution of the mind.

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Namaste, Lexie

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