I live near Kennett Square, the mushroom capital of the state of Pa.! (https://mushroomfestival.org/) And every September, a mushroom festival is held!


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Oh what fun! I would love to go to the festival. Robert and I used to live in DuBois PA. We moved to Florida in 2012. We don't miss the PA winters!

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"This is important! Never pick a red morel. Those are poison, but the difference is easy to see. Stick with blacks, greys, tans and yellows and you’re good to go.” Good advice the "False Morel" is toxic!

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Absolutely! It's always nice 'meeting' a morel mushroom enthusiast.

Happy shrooming! 🤍🤍

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My grandpa always told me to get out and look on the third day after a good rain and a waning gibbous moon under a dead elm.................................. I always find morels in the bramble down by the river. How about you?

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We always had good luck the day after a very warm night with a rain shower. In the morning, we grabbed our brown paper grocery bags and headed to our spot. In the woods, it was warm and damp and muggy and we could almost smell the morels reaching up to us ... "Pick me! Pick me!" ... and we did.

I miss those days.

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May 9·edited May 9Liked by C.J. Heck

It is always a adrenaline rush finding morels! My friend and I are going to start adding other plants to the list! Also always I good time getting ticks..........

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I know what you mean --the ticks were always a problem as a child. Sad, but I can't ever go back to my favorite shrooming spot. A developer bought that parcel of land and his company built several homes in there. But it's just as well.

Where I live, Florida, is a long way from where I was raised in Ohio anyway. I'm not sure whether Florida has Morels. It might be too hot here. I think tramping through woods here has bigger dangers than a few itty-bitty ticks!! Hahaha

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