Boogeyman and the musical genre "boogie" come from the same Scottish root word- bogie. Not surprisingly, people who have made or make boogie music have been accused of being boogeymen and boogeywomen...

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Very interesting information, David! Thank you for sharing.

Dancing to Boogie-Woogie:


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Love how your Mum managed your fear. 💜 I believed in the Boogeyman too. I wouldn’t hang my arms and legs out of the bed when I was a kid and l still make sure the sliding wardrobe doors are fully closed 🤣. By day, l would be in our sun room imagining the dust you can see floating through sun streaming in the window, were fairies. I am still chasing fairies 🧚🏽‍♂️

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It tickles me to see how many ways we are alike! I love fairies, always have!

Yeah, Mama was brilliant, inviting the Boogeyman to eat with us. He was a friend right away.

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🤗🧚‍♀️🧚🥰 🤣 Me too. I am a fairy 🤣

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Hahahaha, love it!

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I don't remember the Boogyman when I was a child. I was into Fairies and Angels! Especially Angels! I remember setting a plate on the table before I went to bed! I can't remember if I left out food for my Angel but I probably left out something!

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Thank you for the restack of my post on the Boogeyman, Connie. I was really into fairies as a child. I was convinced they lived under the weeping willow in my back yard. Fairies were my love, but I was just afraid of the Boogeyman.

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