Such a great and loving story about kids and grandparents . All kids should go to a park with and elderly person , And learn life isn't just games . It is about love and caring for each other and animals . love it C. J . . hugs and peace to you and family

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I appreciate your comments, Mitch. Thank you.

hugs and peace

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Know thanks needed CJ . What do kids and teens know now . Mostly games no matter where they go . I had a teen stop here to see my kids years ago , My son and daughter introduced me to him . Did he say hi nope , first words out were you have Sega . the world has changed in some cases it was needed in others not at all . hugs to you CJ

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It’s a very different world from when I grew up. There were more manners then and, of course, we didn’t have cell phones or video games, but kids had a lot more respect for rules and values and actually listened to what adults were saying.

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