I remember one summer, years ago, a tornado hit our downtown shopping area! We've had really bad storms with high winds and rain! Tree branches fell to the ground and some roofs were damaged! But other than that, we really don't get tornadoes in this area!

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I'm glad it didn't do too much damage! How frightening though.

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I didn’t realize you were from the Chicago area. I thought I knew the particular incident you were referring to, but the pic you have is color and what I thought might have been the incident were all black & white…plus that one was in the afternoon anyway, not overnight. Glad everything turned out ok. When the siren goes off tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll be thinking of you. 😉😊

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I'm from Ohio, Ken, but when I was married to my ex, he moved us to a lot of different states while he climbed the ladder in banking. We were in Illinois from about 74 to 78, when we moved again --another bank in another state. The pic is just a random pic from Google images. I searched for a car overturned. Are you from the Chicago area?

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Yes I am. I grew up on the NW side of the city and went suburban in my 20s. You were here when I was in High School. Right now, I’m just a little south of the Illinois-Wisconsin state line. I guess you do the same thing for pics that I do. There were a couple of nasty Tornados in the burbs in my lifetime. They could have been worse but were bad enough just the same.

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That was my one and only tornado experience and I don't ever want another. We were very lucky! What are the odds, another tornado will go down the middle of our street? If my memory serves me right, someone in the neighborhood said several years before I lived there, an airplane fell out of the sky and crashed/landed on one of the houses on our street. Do you remember hearing anything about that?

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Actually, I can, although the most well known was United 553 which crashed in a backyard in the city approaching Midway Airport. That was the flight E Howard Hunt’s wife was on and there were plenty of theories that the flight was sabotaged since this was during the height of the Watergate stuff. That was a rough 4 weeks in the city that saw 2 plane accidents and a bad commuter train wreck that killed around 100 people total in the three incidents.

I can remember a few smaller planes going down in the burbs, including one across the street from a cousin, who coincidentally flew small planes himself.

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WOW that's a lot of planes down --funny, I used to be a flight attendant in the early 70s. Now, you couldn't pay me to even get on a plane. Things change. I'm terrified of flying now.

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I was a travel agent and took advantage of the discounts so I flew a little bit then. I want nothing to do with flying either these days…for a number of reasons

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Oh wow , C.J . You and all on the street were lucky . I am very happy for that .Yet the clean up must of been intense for all .I am very happy you and your kids were safe .Hugs and peace

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