British "acting legend" Mark Rylance (of whom I'd never heard) has recently publicly regretted having "real" oral sex in a movie back in 2001. It's taken him 23 years to regret it??? Methinks he doth not protest enough! I hadn't heard about the "nowadays" remark you made. But, if it's true, they must have nerves of steel. Have you ever seen what a movie set really looks like, the part away from the camera? Lights everywhere, janitors sweeping up (used condoms, no doubt), a microphone dangling overhead to catch every oooh and ahhh and squeal and moan, the bored director picking his teeth in his director's chair, yawning audibly...or maybe snoring ("wake me when it's over")... Not very conducive to a passionate interlude.

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You sure wouldn't find me doing it either --well, I mean if I were younger. I agree, 23 years to regret something like that is pushing truth out the window. As Forrest Gump said, "Stupid is as stupid does."

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Yeah, good ol' Forrest. And didn't he say, "Life is just a box of stupids. You never know which one will pop up next." ;-)))

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Ha ha ha ha ha

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Haha, I don't want to talk about sex as depicted in movies. It's absurd and laughable. I will mention two major pet peeves about it, though: 1. What's with this throwing the lady up against the wall and thrusting it in? I've never tried it, myself, not even out of curiosity, but I know enough about human anatomy to know it couldn't possibly be as easy as they make it look, especially since they are usually both at least partially clothed... 2. After sex...the post-coital heavy breathing lasts longer than from someone who's run the mile in 3 1/2 minutes. They can only talk between gasps for air after every other word. I amuse myself by thinking of them as two fish who can only mate outside the water, the downside being that if they don't hurry up and get back in the pond, they'll die, hence the gasping for air. This reminds me--do you remember when Madonna was having a torrid affair with basketball star, Dennis Rodman? People, including gossip reporters, would actually approach and ask him if she was an "acrobat" or "gymnast" or "contortionist" in bed. He would actually answer such questions, too, saying: No, she's just...normal. Well, well, whaddaya knowww.

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Well, well, whaddaya knowww is right! You've mentioned some great points that I totally agree with. From what I've read, nowadays, it's up to the individual actors, but they can actually have sex on film. Who wouldda thought that would ever happen?

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Here's another mostly TV peeve but it's not easy to explain. Two people are facing each other in close proximity having a somewhat intense conversation. We can see one person face-on and the back of the other person's head. Then when it's time for the backhead person to speak, instead of showing him/her from the front (hey, spring for an extra camera!) they have that person turn around, face the camera and speak with their back to the other person! Who does that??? Nobody turns their back to someone when answering a question. I notice this all the time, even on high budget TV series, but I seem to be the only person I know of who thinks it's worth commenting and complaining about.

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You explained it fine! I do think I've seen it and I agree. One more peeve for TV and movies ... two people wake up and laying there, they intimately talk face to face, maybe even ride the waves of passion again.

That just isn't realistic! Most people need to pee first thing when they wake up and most people's mouths feel like the entire Army and Navy marched through their mouth with dirty feet.

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Fun for me, too!

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I share a number of your pet peeves. But first I want to reminisce about something a teacher said when I was in 5th grade. We had all heard that it wasn't "right" or "nice" or "fair" for a teacher to have a pet, so when Mr. Chamberlain started the very first day of school with, "Teachers have their pet peeves and I have mine which I'm going to tell you about so you can't say you weren't warned." My bestie, Barbara's, and my eyes widened as we exchanged "no-no" glances. We couldn't believe how blatantly he was breaking the rules and rubbing it right in our faces. Having never heard the word peeves before, we thought he was going to start the year off by telling us who his pets were! ~~Now, as for my personal pet peeves, I agree with you about mosquitos although I don't know if it's for the same reason. I hate when I'm trying to sleep and one comes flitting around my head making those teeny-tiny "microscopic" electrical screeching sounds in my ear.# Something just "goes off" in my brain and I'm absolutely miserable and unable to sleep until I've kept my head under the covers, deprived of oxygen, long enough for it to finally give up and go away. But if I take my head out too soon, the little bugger will be back. ~~The other one is also from movies and TV shows, but it's about coffee! Why, when someone is pouring a cup of coffee, do they never fill the cup up at least enough that you can see the stuff! This is a major distraction for me. It pulls me right out of the scene I've so carefully suspended my disbelief for and screams, "It's only make believe! Nobody just pours 1/4 cup of coffee! For years now, I've found myself closely watching every coffee scene, completely ignoring the conversation, so I can have my bias confirmed: So far, I've never seen a coffee cup filled to a reasonable level and there is absolutely no good reason for it. Not one. Except to irritate the "Heck" out of me~

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Oh Carol, this is so much fun! I love discussions like this. I agree about the coffee. Let's take it a step further ... not only do they not fill a cup, no one ever asks for cream or sugar and rarely does anyone drink their coffee. I'm a "Blue Bloods" fanaholic and when I think of the times one of them goes to someone's house and they are offered coffee, they get it and within two questions and answers, they take their leave. No one took a sip! You're right about the mosquitoes! It's the infernal screeching. You know they're in the room and you can't relax or do anything until you've squashed the little booger. Thank you! It's been fun!

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