That's really something. It sounds idyllic. Norman Rockwell would have been inspired to create one of his most famous paintings had he been lucky enough to meet them.

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#'s 4 and 3 especially resonate with me--My husband and I have been living "below our means" all our lives and it has served us very well financially as well as mentally and emotionally. As for love--when I stopped "looking for love" (in all the wrong places) it fell right into my lap and it's been keeping my lap warm for 44 years! ;-)

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I was writing a comment and it disappeared ... oh well. What I was saying was, Robert and I had given up on finding real love at this stage in our lives. I was widowed, divorced twice and I had given up and was happy. Robert had an unhappy marriage, divorced, and several relationships that went nowhere. He had given up, too, and was fine with it. Then we met at a class reunion 50 years after knowing each other as little kids. We started dating and that was 14 years ago now. We grew up two blocks from each other in the same town. Our parents went to school together and were friends.

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I remember this! I didn't know all 4 of your parents were friends, though. It sounds like Kismet

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Yeah, my mom and his actually were in a group of seven girls in high school that all hung out together, "The Heavenly Seven" is what they called themselves. Go figure ...

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