I'm so glad your warrior-angels were there for you and stayed with you as long as they were needed. I really think, even though it doesn't seem this way at all right now, that thanks to newsreel footage, private iphone recordings, the internet, TV reportage, and other sources of fearless outspoken people, war will very soon be an outmoded evil of the past. And you can be proud that Vietnam and the generation that was most victimized by it gave rise to this almost 60-yr anti-war movement. It has stumbled and been shouted down along the way, for sure, but it shows no sign of stopping until the goal of No More American Blood Will Be Shed Overseas Ever Again is met. There are better, saner ways of settling disputes, and people are finally seeing this. The tides of war ebb slowly, but ebb they will. Semper Fi and Hooah ~SP5 Carol Mercaldi 6 Jun 1966 - 6 Jun 1969 Fifth USArmy HQ, Fort Sheridan, IL

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WOW I had no idea, Carol. Thank you for your service, SP5 Carol Mercaldi, and Welcome Home. Semper Fi and Hooah with all my respect. You know I mean it from my heart. I hope you're right about the tides of war. There are no winners in war, only losers --and that's on both sides. It might be a lot different if we just put the ones at the top who make the decision to go to war in a room together and let them duke it out ...

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