When my son went to a Christian School, he was always paddled!

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Oh No! Was he always guilty of some wrongdoing?

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I have been having problems with my son since he was a toddler! He was tested a few times by the IU, Child Development Center and later was placed in a special class in a local Elementary School after spending time in Philly. He is gifted but has social, emotional issues! Presently, he is on disability and attends a program in Phoenixville 4 days a week. He was living with me until December when he moved out with his girlfriend and all the kitties, including the kitty who had 4 babies! I had asked if they would leave me a kitty or two but they took the kitties with them when they moved out! So, now I am all alone but my niece offered a kitty but I really can't afford the food, the vet, etc. right now! But my nephew, who lives next door, has a Chihuahua and I will go outside and talk to her.

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Yes! Go see your neighbor! Robert and I have our second Chihuahua now. Our first had congestive heart failure, deaf and blind at 16 and we had to have him put down. We love chihuahuas and would have no other! They are so loyal, affectionate, protective, and so o o smart!

It sounds like your son is an adult now and on his own. I think the only thing you can do is just love him and be there for him when he needs you. Do we ever stop being a mother? No, no, no … that’s impossible.

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Really interesting! And true! I remember back when I went to school, the paddle was used to discipline unruly children! And no one was arrested for child abuse!

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Wouldn’t it be nice to go back to those days when children were respectful in class and school shootings were never a part of life … it’s all so different now.

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Our paddle in High School was known as “the board of education”. My butt hurts thinking about it 😜

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LOL I remember seeing a wooden paddle with holes drilled in it hanging on a wall in every teacher’s classroom. I think it was an apt deterrent and it should be brought back.

…”Board of education” … I love the name! Thanks, Ken!

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There once was a book Common Sense. Thomas Payne belie was his name. Probably burned, banned by the board of Ed.

Today the book’s name is Street Sense and includes run don’t walk cross streets to avoid traffic and showers of bullets from gangs.

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Interesting, Richard. I’ll have to look for it. Thank you!

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May 25Liked by C.J. Heck

CJ, your piece on common sense is both eye-opening and humorous. It's amazing how something so fundamental can be so overlooked in today's world. Thanks for sharing!

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You’re welcome and thank you for your kind words!

What I see in the world is people with a lot of book learning who have absolutely no common sense. I’ve watched them and I think common sense is far more important! LOL

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