I totally agree, CJ! Respect is a better word than obey! After all I'm a human, not a dog!

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Hahahaha, true! You are not a dog —I’ll vouch for that!

Thanks, Connie.

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I am a survivor of catholic schools, so, as a young fellow, obedience was quickly dismissed.

As I worked my way through puberty, under the supervision of celibate women and men, I came to disparage chastity, at least as it was understood by my religious mentors.

Now that I am considerably older I would advise caution with regard to prudence and temperance. I think that we lose a very important element of living, if, as we age, we become risk averse. If prudence and temperance are of any value, I think they should teach us to evaluate and value change and risk, not to shun them.

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A very intuitive comment, my friend. I would tend to agree with it. I wasn’t raised Catholic and I didn’t go to Catholic schools, but I heard horror stories from my daughters who did …

Thank you!

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"R-E-S-P-E-C-T/find out what it means to me..."

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Hahahaha, I remember that song! Thanks, David.

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