Recommended by C.J. Heck
GeorgeAnn is a family-oriented storyteller with deep roots in Southern traditions and led by her faith in Jesus Christ. Sharing stories about the journey with tidbits from real life events, family, and life's simple joys. She is also a sweet and gracious lady and friend.
Robert is a top notch Astrologer with 40 years experience and clients all over the world. His daily insights on current events are intuitive and always accurate. --C.J. Heck
This is an unique woman, a blend of magic, and an off-the-chart personality that knows no limits. I'm sure she has never met a stranger and I feel blessed to know her. I'll read anything she writes! Charlotte, you ROCK!
Sean's heart and mind are where they should be, both working in tandem to bring us the best of the best to think about and to hold close to us. I highly recommend "Sean of the South", by Sean Dietrich. ... you're welcome.