Sitemap - 2024 - "CJ's World on Substack"

The Police Station

A Surprise 40th Birthday Gift

The Ice Cream Cone, by CJ Heck

A Read Aloud Preschool Poem

One Night in Tornado Alley

Are Humor and Intelligence Connected?

The Lemonade Stand

The Gold and Ivory Tablecloth

That did NOT Just Happen!

My Little Sister Shari …

A Poet and a Lady

My Biggest Childhood Fear

I Remember One Time my Dad ...

Can Trust Be Rebuilt, Once Broken?

Poem: My Teddy Bear

Graveyard of Love

Could You Live in a Lighthouse?

When I’m Gone, What Then?

The Smartest Lady I Ever Knew

What Can Be Said of Old Age?

The Magic of the Hands ...

I've Always Loved You Best

A Nickel for Thoughts of You

A Visit with Dear Old Friends

“The Earth Laughs in Flowers.”

To the Adonis in Passing

What Do You Regret Giving Your Children?

What are Hard Truths About Online Relationships?

Why do Some People Romanticize Pain?

We Need To Get Away

What's the Weirdest Flight You've Taken?

Which Virtue is the Most Overrated?

My Most Frightening Experience.

I Always Called it "Child-Speak"

How do you Overcome Embarrassment?

At What Age are we Actually an Adult?

You Won't Know Til You Try ...

What Brought the Most Change in Your Life?

Once in a Public Restroom ...

The Pond on 'The Big Hill'

"The Stairs Pony"

A Poet for a Lover

A Penny for His Thoughts

True Story of One Woman’s Courage

Taps for my Soldier

Do You Have a Doppelganger?

What Makes People Happy?

What Actually is Common Sense?

A Short Story Challenge

My Biggest Reason to Get Published

Honesty and Truth

The Obnoxious Passenger on TWA

The Craziest Thing I Did in High School

What's it Like to be 70?

Top Secret

Grandparents as Teachers

A Freelance Editing Peeve

Should We Let Toddlers Choose?

Who Are You Online vs. Offline?

Antique Birthday Surprise

A Box for Goodwill

From a Senior's Point of View

Ever Have to be a Bitch?

A Provocative Question

The Role of a Poet

How NOT To Raise a Child

Showing vs. Telling

A Perfect Memory

Terror and the Troll

Let's Go Shrooming!

... We Thought it Would Last Forever

Blue Truck

When it's Over, You Just Know

Want to Hear Something Funny?

Badass Angry

When I Finally Close My Eyes

Some Hard Truths

The Zimmerman House

Pocket Taser Stun Gun

Can Internet Friends be Real?

The Long Road to Getting Published

The Writing on the Wall

Curiosity: Inquisitive Thinking

My Grandkid and My Kid Said WHAT?

Frankie's Lucky Day

A Dead Ringer is a Doppelganger is a Twin

Voluntary and Involuntary Thought

Dad and Mom-ism Quotes

The Personification of Christmas

Forrest Gump in Heaven

Publishers: A Rant ...

A Dot on the Horizon

Life is Full of Choices

"That Did Not Just Happen!"

Who the Heck is CJ Heck ...

The Halloween House

Love at First Sight?

Beginning Writers

Mis-adventure #4

A REAL life Fairy

The Peopling of Personification

Due Diligence of Rain

Thursday is Poetry Day

Echoes and Echoes of Inspiration

Strangers and the Rental Car

Witticism on Human Behavior

Finding a Publisher

The Science Project

Elephant in the Room

Figuratively Speaking




Books and Reading

Miss Amy's Story Time

Here We Go Again

Some Hard Truths


Little Sisters

Drive and Persistence

Money May Talk

Parental Frustration

Making Money

The Vietnam War

Throw it, or Keep it?

Motivation and Inspiration

For Valentine's Day

Embarrassing Moment

Micro to Flash Story Lengths

Is Writing Poems Easy?

Captain Ed Freeman

Children Learn ...

Love and Intimacy

A Memoir of Nana

Toddler Advice

About Seniors

Summer Vacation

The Soapbox Derby

The Senryu Poem

Small Town Life

Children and Bugs

Mama, Am I Pretty?

Invite your friends to read "CJ's World on Substack"

The Art of Poetry

Purpose and Meaning

A Child and a Mirror

The Human Heart

Old Age

"I Told You So"

Lucky to be Alive


Romanticize Pain?

Unopened Letter

How Much Was It?

Wisdoms to Share

Bold and Funny

Break the Ice

Wednesday's Thoughts

Our Babysitter, Liz


Rip Tide Terror

World's Meanest Mother

CJ's Whispers of Knowing

Grammy's House

A Senior Moment

Help! Monsters!

When Toddlers Get Upset

The Shades of Balance

The Old Apple Tree

That did NOT just Happen!

We Were Pirates

Hello Everyone!

The Boogieman

Dreams vs. Visions

Pet Peeves


Wild Mystery Animal

Uncle Frank

The Traveling Wall

The Meaning of my Life

The Things Kids Say

A Memoir of Sundays

Hole Going Nowhere

Dallas vs. Mr. Hanrahan

The Noblest Room

Lesson in the Silence

Daddy's Boots

Lullaby for my Grandkids

Join my chat

Why do Old People Walk so Slow?


The Photo

The Tear

Life in a Small Town

The Sears Tower

Rainy Days

Our Noisy Bodies

Invite your friends to read "CJ's World on Substack"

"Personal Branding"

Hurt Doesn't Discriminate

Danger on Loon Mtn.

Inspiration for Writing

Children as Our Teachers

Bookstore Book Signing

The Winds of Change

Widows Remarrying

Sometimes, Friendship "Happens"

Most Embarrassing Moment

Was it a Miracle?

Senryu Morning

The Irish in Boston

Once a Midwife

Trail of Blood

The Montessori Method

Coping with Loss


Broken Trust

When is Enough ... Enough?

Out of Control

A Treasure in the Attic

Grief has Stages

Elm Street Smoke Shop

Class Reunions

The Teddy Bear

The Fall of Life

Growing Up With Rules

The Swan Dive

The Mooner

High Five to Childhood

"Rock Land"

Valentine for an Old Love

It Only Takes 1 'Yes'

From Bride to Widow

Christmas Revisited ...

The Lure of Lighthouses

Time Machine

Birth of a Short Story

New Words for Wordsmiths

School Visit Tips

A Perfect Moment

Toby Arffenbark

No Funeral, Please

Terror on Hilltop Drive

Dewy Diamond Field

Dragon Lady

A Humbling Experience

Growing Old Isn't for Sissies

Stoker's Gift

The Car Wash


Children Love Bugs

A Lesson Learned at 10

Choosing to Live Alone

My Big Toe

A Final Freedom

The Old Woman and her Dog

What to do About You

Waiting for a Greyhound

School Visit Information

TWA Memories


Bits and Pieces From a Writer's Soul

Anatomy of a Poet

Me Too! Preschool Poetry

Barking Spiders 2

Barking Spiders (and Other Such Stuff)

Bits and Pieces

Anatomy of a Poet

Barking Spiders 2

Moving to a New Home With Children

The Missive